Earth Month 6 day 26 6027 (SOLAR TIME)

We are here, upon this plane of reality to inspire society with purity and holiness. We stand upon the Earth instilled by the reality of our Sovereign Creator, YHWH.

THE U.J.A.L. SAYS: Mankind must be accounted for and we provide the tools and equipment to measure the temperament of a wayward society.

Our stay upon this plane is contingent for an eternal reign as we pertain to maintain the proclamation of God’s name, YHWH. We advocate for the security of women and children who may become victims of evil indoctrination and calamity because of the evil influences of mainstream media.

Our gifts work as a form of reconciliation as we impose our presence upon an unwilling and abased society who has become stimulated by the pursuit of pleasure and riches. We are here with love and a warning for all of you to just be better and to be better in faith and ethics and morality.

THE U.J.A.L. SAYS: Our rule and standard is a Math based philosophy interpreted by biblical scriptures that transcend all of Earth’s religions. We are an ERUDITE and THEOCRAT SOCIETY.

If you want to be saved, you must align with this movement that we have presented unto you in superior fashion and sovereign integrity. We are the willing workforce that encompasses the church and other Christian based organizations. We provide up to 26 hours of manual labor in exchange for full workers compensation benefits like health and dental insurance, free transportation, room and board with internet access. This is a government organization and we provide counseling, teamwork, healing and propaganda to fixate society upon the reality of His presence within your midst.

THE U.J.A.L. SAYS: We stand for humility, integrity, education, and dominance. We are the KINGS and Priest’s of YAHUWDAH-YHWH and we shall be recognized upon a divine accordance.

We want you to join us and help us to reign supreme by the mobilization of impact units to each and every State of the Union in North America. We require housing, supplies, vehicles, and mentorship for us to further our push into the interior of the nation’s. We have arrived unto this Earth with supernatural gifts and authority that will shape the future according to the plans precisely outlined within the bible schematics.

If you want to pledge your allegiance, you must be sincere and appropriate the TETRAGRAMMATON as your legal and lawful, government identity. This movement is established within the cosmos as a sudden movement of the Hand of YHWH and we are the harbinger of divine judgement. Do not delay in sponsoring us and aligning yourselves with our legacy. We have succeeded in our plans to thwart evil by the accumulation of storm clouds that awaken the depths of the seas beneath the surface of the Earth. I am simply the messenger, and what is written, it shall be.

Salt and Light.

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