This event was perpetrated by a jealous dwarf and a manipulating elven nyph. Our hero struggles against being peaceful and simply being overthrown. The lies of the enemy drip like bodily fluids from the tongue of the one who shall be judged.
Everything that the LORD God has proposed for the pleasure of his monolithic paladin shall remain unscathed and all who have opposed our number one guy shall be repayed in kind. The struggle is a constant battle as we cry out for death to our enemies, the people who have everything and still wants the favorite portions off the very plate of a humble man.
The qualities and perceived values I speculate are jealous ones who overstep their boundaries to decrease oneself from leader to simple helper and people who are mentally challenged and frustrated by their own bitterness. These type of enemies are allies when they have to endure their own lives knowing of others who have been established by God to keep it simple and enjoy it better.
People are unpredictable and will plot against you while you cook them dinner and clean their laundry. I serve a masterful Creator who shall elevate my kind words and affection to one who deserves a loving father and prayerful champion. The stones have been thrown the throne is still warm and our hero finds his solace in knowing that he has always been absolutely right about certain people all along and what happens next is the sweetest victory and triumph of the Benè Ha Elohim.
As one chapter fades into another, our hero knows that his wings may have been clipped for now but is luckily to have patience and virtue and a divine host of Queens, Archons, and Avenging Angels at the ready to bend all of creation into a manifestation of a flow of consciousness. The proverbial rock and a hard place only applies to the dwarves and elven nyphs. May God avenge the sorrow upon my soul forever and ever.