When people betray your trust and look to others to support their stance, in good keeping with Bible doctrine, we must forgive before we advance.
When you give a person all of you, and you share with them your life, society may look upon you as Husband and as Wife but if every situation arises and deception, your Holy Matrimony is jeopardized with rejection.
A Husband is a Man who provides and he protects he does whatever is right, he supplies he directs… A Husband is a Man who has his plan for success for EVERY member of his family and their positions have been set.
When a Husband marries a Wife and she is wicked in her heart, she will cry and she will lie and she will turn her Husband off. When a Husband has a Wife and she doesn’t tend to divine order, that wife will just not build but instead she creates struggle.
A Husband is a Man who is blessed by God in order and when the Husband loves the LORD, that Man shall always recover.