Today ii AM thankful to my AbbA Father God YHWH for revealing His will for my life to me so easy to fulfill anachronistically He leads ii become synchronized smitten away from time aligned sublime modified applied. My Father is God who wakes up the mountains that snore in ferocity successfully powerfully demonstrating a byte of my LORDS dichotomy that He placed inside of His name ii write with my hand a powerful remnant of awakened Man. A retinue of anointed individuals who at every given moment pray so fervent to awaken entire indigenous aboriginal genetics that astound them.
My relentlessness to follow God ii be compelled to repent daily amazing feats Yah does with me in my sleep My eternal form empowered to dominate my flesh iconical classic legendary ascended to the 35th° trust God in Jesus. I idolize daily God refreshes me cleanly intrinsic aesthetic the implement scripture. So Holy is my God to show me what is mine to share with me what is His is divine design a builder of mounds filled with stones for my people to build houses on top of ancestors bones Ye clones are mine.
Watching as my AbbA Father is God be with you all named by His mouth to inherit what’s yours upon this plane the elliptical every linear realm of continuity optically refined ii see better physically articulated microchipped by Heaven inscribed with inoculates digested to operate from inside of whatever is invested for a remedial lifeform interpreted by demotic scriptures we prefer mathematical analysis of numbers or frequency wavelengths and light ray radiation capacitor status like “gambit” with adamantium infused fabrics the demons are rampant and oblivious to God’s technology transforming unstable plans into failures vain inspired delusions angels threshing wheat into flowers wishes day dreams experienced in temporal reality parallax by REM sleep my wounds deep.